Robert Novy-Marx Lori and Alan S. Zekelman Distinguished Professor of Finance Simon Business
Recent Working Papers
Reversals and the returns to liquidity provision (with Wei Dai, Mamdouh Medhat, and Savina Rizova)
Assaying Anomalies (with Mihail Velikov)
Journal Publications Model comparison with transaction costs (with Andrew Detzel and Mihail Velikov), Journal of Finance, 2022, Forthcoming
Betting Against Betting Against Beta (with Mihail Velikov), Journal of Financial Economics 143 (1), 2022, 80-106
Comparing Cost-Mitigation Techniques (with Mihail Velikov), Financial Analysts Journal 75 (1), 2019, 85-102.
Liquidity risk and asset pricing (with Hongtao Li and Mihail Velikov), Critical Review of Finance 8 (2), 2019.
A Taxonomy of Anomalies and their Trading Costs (with Mihail Velikov), Review of Financial Studies 29 (1), 2016, 104-147.
Predicting Anomaly Performance with Politics, the Weather, Global Warming, Sunspots, and the Stars, Journal of Financial Economics 112 (2), 2014, 137-146.
Linking Benefits to Investment Performance in US Public Pension Systems (with Joshua D. Rauh), Journal of Public Economics, 116, 2014, 47-61.
The Revenue Demands of Public Employee Pension Promises (with Joshua D. Rauh), 2013, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 6 (1), 2014, 193-229.
The Other Side of Value: The Gross Profitability Premium, Journal of Financial Economics 108 (1), 2013, 1-28.
Logical Implications of GASB’s Methodology for Valuing Pension Liabilities, Financial Analysts Journal 69 (1), 2013, 26-32.
Fiscal Imbalances and Borrowing Costs: Evidence from State Investment Losses (with Joshua D. Rauh), American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 4(2), 2012, 182-213.
Is Momentum Really Momentum?, Journal of Financial Economics 103 (3), 2012, 429-453.
Public Pension Promises: How Big Are They and What Are They Worth? (with Joshua D. Rauh), Journal of Finance 66 (4), 2011, 1211-1249.
Operating leverage, Review of Finance 15 (1), 2011, 103-134.
Policy Options for
State Pension Systems and Their Impact
on Plan Liabilities (with
D. Rauh), Journal of
Pension Economics and Finance 10(2),
Hot and cold markets, Real Estate Economics 37(1), 2009, 1-22.
Liabilities and Risks of State-Sponsored
Pension Plans (with
D. Rauh), Journal
of Economic Perspectives
23 (4), 2009, 191-210.
An equilibrium model of investment under uncertainty, Review of Financial Studies 20 (5), 2007, 1461-1502.
Older Working Papers
Backtesting strategies based on multiple signals
Fundamentally, momentum is fundamental momentum
How can a q-theoretic model price momentum?
Understanding Defensive Equity Quality Investing, December 2012 (significantly revised May 2014).
An Alternative Three Factor Model (with Long Chen and Lu Zhang), May 2010.
Preempting Preemptive Investment, November 2009.
Real Estate and the Economy: Aggregate Implications of Irreversible Investment, November 2009.
Competition, Productivity, Organization and the Cross Section of Expected Returns, June 2009.
Financial Valuation of PBGC Insurance with Market Implied Default Probabilities (with Joshua D. Rauh and Jules van Binsbergen), 2014, forthcoming in Tax Policy and the Economy.
The Crisis in Local Government Pensions in the United States (with Joshua D. Rauh), 2011, Growing Old: Paying for Retirement and Institutional Money Management after the Financial Crisis, Robert Litan and Richard Herring, eds., Brookings Institution, Washington, DC. Contains city and county breakdown of $0.6 trillion unfunded liabilities at the local level.
Security Bonds: A New Plan to Address the
Pension Crisis (with
D. Rauh),
The Economists' Voice 7(3), 2010. Cited
in the Can the Illinois Pension Catastrophe Be Stopped? (with Joshua D. Rauh), Chicago Tribune, 13 Aug 2010.
Papers The Intergenerational Transfer of Public Pension Promises (with Joshua D. Rauh). |