Simple Strategies construction details:

Construction: All simple strategies consist of a time-series of value-weighted returns on a long/short self-financing portfolio, constructed using a decile sort on a signal using NYSE breakpoints.
Universe: All domestic common shares trading on NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ with available accounting data and returns. For the strategies using the annual files, accounting data for fiscal-year end of year t is matched with stock returns data from July of year t+1 until June of year t+2 to avoid look-ahead bias. For the strategies that use the quarterly files, the accounting data for a given quarter are matched to the end of the month in which they were reported.
Period: July 1963 - December 2012 (full period) for the
    anomalies using the annual files
July 1973 - December 2012 (recent period) for the
    anomalies using the quarterly files.
Transactions Costs: The trading costs used come from the effective bid-ask spread measure proposed by Hasbrouck (2009). His SAS code that constructs the costs is available here.
Further Details: You can find details on the signals used for the construction of the strategies here. For further details, please see the paper.